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There’s really no such thing as a runner’s diet. The type of diet that is good for runners is the same healthy diet that is generally recommended for everyone.

A healthy diet is one that is high in carbohydrates, low in fat, and sufficient in protein. This translates to about 60 percent of your calories coming from carbohydrates, 25 percent from fat, and 15 percent from protein.

Here are some things I eat on regular basis.


A good, wholesome cereal should contain a serving of whole grains (16g) or at least have a whole grain as the first ingredient, be relatively low in sugar (10g or less), be a good source of fiber (3g per serving), and be free of artificial colors and dyes.

Fruit with greek yogurt and granola.

Fruit with greek yogurt and granola.


I eat fruit for breakfast and for snacks daily.
Here is a great article that was featured in Megan O’Hare Lyons blog today about eating fruit.
Megan’s blog:

I eat salad for lunch almost everyday. I usually use spinach for the greens and then I garnish it with a lot of different toppings. Including avocados, corn, olives, tomatos, cucumbers, pecans, almonds, peanuts, tofu, beans and chia seeds.

I eat salad for lunch almost every day. I usually use spinach for the greens and then I garnish it with a lot of different toppings. Including avocados, corn, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, pecans, almonds, peanuts, tofu, beans and chia seeds.

My lunch Salad.

My lunch Salad.

I try and eat salmon once a week or so. This is a recipe from my sister Daisy. I marinade the salmon in lemon juice for 20 min. Then sprinkle it with dry dill, salt, pepper and butter. Then broil it for 15-20 min on 500.

I try and eat salmon once a week or so. This is a recipe from my sister Daisy. I marinade the salmon in lemon juice for 20 min. Then sprinkle it with dry dill, salt, pepper, and butter. Then broil it for 15-20 min on 500.

Salmon ready to go into the oven.

Salmon ready to go into the oven.

Then add it to your favorite grain and a side of vegetable to make a great meal

Then add it to your favorite grain and a side of vegetable to make a great meal

I eat a lot of greens like Kale

I eat a lot of greens like Kale

Chicken Pasta Florentine with fresh spinach and tomatoes.

Chicken Pasta Florentine with fresh spinach and tomatoes.

Quinoa with corn, garbanzo beans and green beans.

Quinoa with corn, garbanzo beans, and green beans.

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